I’ve been involved in the making of a 3D animated TV series for children for quite some time as the Art Director / Creative Director.
The other week I did make the design for the website that will present the series. It’s mostly just the design at the moment. Actual content will be added with trailers, animated scenes from the series, character galleries and things like that as soon as all funding deals are in place and everything will be public.

The Avery Smartcat Website
Well, the site is there, and it will expand shortly, so it could be worth checking it out now and then, as some real cool and amazing 3D work will be available there.
Avery Smartcat – The Coolcats Animated TV Series for Children
You could almost think I’ve turned to the dark side of the force, becoming a web designer with all these sites popping up by me. But do not fear. My 3D projects are going forward as well, and the blog will get updated with them as well shortly. I DO keep myself busy. That I’ve realized.