Pixologic released the PaintStop plugin for ZBrush about a week ago or something and I finally got some time today to install it and play around for a few hours.
Here is two of all the doodles from my session today to learn the ins and outs of PaintStop.

Doodling with different Pastel Brush Settings in PaintStop (Click to enlarge).
In the image above I played around a bit with the different pastel brushes and used a soft pencil for some parts. I just love the feeling you get when painting in PaintStop. The natural brushes and canvas react just as you expect. Sheer joy!
And below is a pencil only sketch. I worked almost exclusively with the 4B pencil in different sizes.

PaintStop Doodle using the Pencil Brush.
Well, what to say, ZBrush is an amazing sculpting application, and with the PaintStop addition it also became an amazing painting application. Orgasmic!
I only spent some time doodling around with all the different available brushes and canvases to learn the workflow in PaintStop today. but this is something that I definitely will use a lot in my work. To sketch out concept art, and also, which I think is the most awesome advantage in having this inside of ZBrush, is that you can bring your 3D sculpts onto the 2D canvas to quickly sketch out ideas on top of your model before actually sculpting them. Sweeeeeet!
My ZBrush love affair continues to be a major part in my life.